Interrupt Inner Chatter and Negative Thoughts Instantly by Simply Doing This
This simple act we can all do sooths the anxiety that comes from that voice inside our heads filled with negativity. What ever your inner meanie says to put you in a bad head space, this is one way to combat those intrusive thoughts.
Humming is that easy thing we can all do to hinder that inner chatter we all need to get away from according to the Livestrong website. When we're stressed and anxious, we activate that sympathetic part of our nervous system which we know as fight-or-flight.
Humming stimulates the vagus nerve from our brain to our stomach. That nerve is crucial part of the parasympathetic nervous system known as rest-and-digest and counteracts the fight-or-flight response during our mental and physical stress according to the Well and Good website.
It's almost like you literally can't think while humming according to the Medium website because it releases happy endorphins and nitric oxide which widens your blood vessels. That creates space between your spiraling thoughts and your nervous system.
When you hum, your body begins to vibrate. So does your brain. A vibrating body and brain is happy. Peace, happiness and contentment can be found in this state.
Humming is basically a superpower we all have. Besides calming the nervous system, humming has two other benefits according to the Oprah Daily website.
1) It boosts heart health because of that nitric oxide we talked about above. That's because by widening constricted blood vessels stress on our heart and vascular system decreases.
2) It also lulls you to sleep like a lullaby because humming releases melatonin.
Add it to your sleep stack, beginning in the hour before you turn in: Hum while you journal, shower, or tie up loose ends around your home. You don’t have to carry a tune to benefit—let it be easy and light, not an added stress.
Humming simply feels good to your body creating freedom from your head.
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