Don’t You Just Love German Shepherds
Don’t You Just Love German Shepherds
Don’t You Just Love German Shepherds
The Mutt Census Says... More than half the dogs owned by Americans are mixed-breed and the most common breeds are not necessarily those most often found, a new survey says.
People Over 40 With Kids Are Happier
People Over 40 With Kids Are Happier
People Over 40 With Kids Are Happier
  DON’T KID YOURSELF That bundle of joy might not be so joyful after all. According to a new study, having kids might not actually make you happy, depending on your age.  Among couples under age 30, those with kids were less happy than those without kids, and the more kids the young parents had, the less happy they were.  However, the trend flip-flops in parents over 40- they are increasingly happ