
2022 New Orleans Mardi Gras Parade Schedule
2022 New Orleans Mardi Gras Parade Schedule
2022 New Orleans Mardi Gras Parade Schedule
Mardi Gras is right around the corner and just in case you are now thinking of making a trip to New Orleans to experience my favorite season, here is a list of the 2022 Mardi Gras Parade Schedule in New Orleans.
People On Floats Who Throw Into The Crowd Inappropriately
People On Floats Who Throw Into The Crowd Inappropriately
People On Floats Who Throw Into The Crowd Inappropriately
A few days ago, I made a video message about those people in the crowd at Mardi Gras who throw things at people on floats and how upset I was about my new co-host Emily J being hit in the face this year. Most of you agreed, that is indeed a problem. But you also called to my attention to the people on floats who throw beads into the crowd in an inappropriate way. So in all fairness, let's talk about that now.

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