
What's Next?
What's Next?
What's Next?
2017 is the 10th anniversary of the iphone. As the technology has advanced, they've also gotten considerably more expensive, and wireless providers have stopped subsidizing device purchases. Speculation is rampant about what's next.
iphone [Red]
iphone [Red]
iphone [Red]
It seems every new iphone is preceded by a lot of rumor, speculation and hype. Not this time. Apple has caught us off guard with new iphones...
Don't Do This
Don't Do This
Don't Do This
You can't just drill a hole into your iPhone to create a headphone jack.
No More Phone Video?
No More Phone Video?
No More Phone Video?
Take a look at your ticket from the last concert you attended. I'll bet it says, "No video recording," and/or "No flash photography." Those restrictions have become increasingly difficult to enforce, with virtually everyone carrying a camera phone. Artists, and many fans, have had enough...
This Could Be Costly!
This Could Be Costly!
This Could Be Costly!
I recently installed the latest update (IOS 9) on my iphone 6.It contains a feature that could cost you a LOT of money. I use wi-fi whenever possible. The latest IOS update contains a feature called "wi-fi assist."
Tell Siri You Are Naked
My friend Jilligan sent me a text. It said "Tell Siri you are naked! She has a few different reactions!". So I did it, and here are some of the results.

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